Dr. Dalvinder Singh Grewal

In 1986-87, I was posted as a Major, at an army outpost in the village of Segang-Menchukha in the north western corner of West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh, India. One night I was woken up in the middle of the night by loud and persistent knocking at my door. I found it to be the village headman, locally known as the Gaon Burha. He told me that his son was dying of a very severe pain in his stomach and if I would send for a doctor. I decided to accompany the Gaon Burha. He led me to his wooden hut where I found a young boy writhing in pain and crying. As a precautionary measure, I had taken some pain-killing and digene tablets with me, which I offered to the sick boy. A Lama who was standing nearby, told the boy not to take the medicine. It puzzled me but there was little I could do because the Lamas are held in great esteem for all matters by the very superstitious people of the area. The Lama started saying a prayer obviously in order to appease the evil spirits. He first fashioned an idol with rice and butter, lit some incense and to the accompaniment of the ringing of a bell, started murmuring his prayers calling ‘Nanak’ ‘Nanak’. After he had finished doing so, he took the incense to the bedside of the sick boy, read out 'Om Mani Padme Hum' to him and then asked him to take the medicine I had given.   

The idol that the Lama had made aroused my curiosity. I asked him as to whose idol was it that he worshipped. Nanak Lama, he said. I was quite perplexed with his answer because I never expected anyone in this area, nearly 2000 kilometers away from Punjab, would know anything about Guru Nanak much less worship his idol. I probed him for further details. He told me: “We worship Nanak Lama and consider him as one of our Guru Rimpoches. We call him Nanak Lama of Amritsar also. His idol is worshipped in our gompha on Dorjilling Hill. It is said that the Guru visited this area and meditated at Pemoshubu.” Pemoshubu liesabout 15 kilometers away from where we were.

“During his meditation at Pemoshubu,” continued the Lama, “the Guru was attacked by a bear but the huge boulder, under which the Guru was meditating, lifted him up and took him in its lap. According to this legend the bear could do nothing and therefore soon after made his retreat. The marks of the Guru's body are still etched on this boulder and we often go there to worship every year in the last week of the month of March, because that is the month when the Guru is said to have come here. A fair is held to commemorate Guru Nanak's visit. Close to the boulder, there is a cave, through which the Guru used to pass to have his bath in the rivulet called Bamchu. Again it is commonly believed by us all that it is only the people with a clean heart who can pass through the cave. Others, no matter how lean and thin they are, cannot pass through the entrance of the cave."

The Lama continued with his story, "The place where the Guru used to have his bath in the rivulet is now a natural shallow pool which is full of small black as well as white pebbles, and the water is always still. Whenever we want to know whether or not any particular wish of ours is going to be fulfilled, we close our eyes, repeat the wish, pray to Guru Nanak, and pick out a pebble from the pool. If the pebble is white, we believe, this wish is bound to come true. If the pebble is black, it will not be. If it has both black and white spots on it, the wish will be only partially fulfilled. You can try any number of times; the color of the pebble you pick out is always the same thereafter."

I was quite intrigued by the Lama's story and persuaded him to take me there for confir­mation. He agreed. Next morning we set out. In order to get to Pemoshubu, we had to pass through a thick forest which was known to be infested, with bears, tigers and wild boars. Leaches stuck over every now and then and we had difficulty removing them. The track at times had vanished under the undergrowth and we had to cut the waggling branches to clear our way to the place in the dense jungle. In the midst of the thick undergrowth, we found a small clearing where an old traditional white Boddhi flag, printed with 'Om Mani Padam Hum' was aflutter. The Lama told me that every time the flag flutters, God's name goes into the air 1001 times. From the clearing, we started our descent towards the Bumchu River. After walking down for about five minutes, we came across a huge boulder which appeared to be about 30 feet high and with a length and breadth each of about 20 feet. It was leaning towards the east. Below it, there was a sort of rough platform on which were lying a number of white cloth flags with inscriptions on them in the Tibetan language.

The Lama bowed in deep reverence and started to ring his bell and chant hymns. He also laid on the platform a new white cloth flag as his offering. He then showed the marks of the bodies etched on the boulder. These were about ten feet above the ground. There appeared the impressions of two bodies etched on the boulder one of a bigger man and the other of a small one. The Lama told me that the bigger one was that of Guru Nanak's and the smaller ones were of his companions. The impression of the head, the shoulders, the arms and the upper part of the bodies were very clear. It did not look as if they had been chiseled but naturally hewn. Since I had no means of verifying the veracity of these marks, I did not question the authenticity of what the Lama said and bowed my head in reverence.

After that, the Lama took me further down through a cave and from its farther end we could see the beautiful rivulet, Bamchtt flowing by, and down below at one corner and could clearly see the white and black pebbles lying at the bottom. The lama bent over the small pool. Chanting Guru Nanak's name, he took out a stone from the pool, he got a white one. He was too happy. When I enquired as to what he had wished, he told that he had wished for another son. I was astonished at his material attachment despite being a lama. A junior commissioned officer Subedar Surat Singh Yadav, an Ahir from Haryana, who had accompanied us too did the same and prayed for becoming a Subedar Major. He got the black one. I knew it was not possible for him to become one. They both insisted that I too try for one. I had nothing on mind as God has always been kind to me. However, a momentous thought came to me, ''Why not wish to make the Guru's place of worship at this place if the Guru had come here?" Having wished this, I took out a pebble and found it to be white. Hence I pondered over the complete question; I considered it impossible to construct a place of worship at such a remote place, where leave alone bringing up the material from the low lands in Assam, reaching and cleaning the forests were the major problems. I thought it better to consider it as a bad joke. Moreover, this was the aftermath period of 1984 riots, when we could not think of doing such things.

However my Subedar was quick to respond. "There will have to be a place of the Guru's here” he assumingly said. "But how I alone can make a place in such a difficult area?" I raised my doubt. ''Why do you feel alone Sahib? We all will make it," added the burly Subedar. "We ill make Guru Nanak's place here. It is His wish," said the Lama authoritatively. They had ready started considering this idea seriously.

"We should not alter the originality and serenity of this place and keep it as it is," said Subedar Surat Singh. ''A better place for the Gurudwara will be the triangular area between the wo rivulets; that is within the limits as prescribed by the religious edicts." Subedar Surat Singh further said, "It should be within 500 yards of the place of event," he explained. I was unaware If all this. As we walked across to the place and examined the area, I found the Lama to be in meditation sitting on a stone. I found the area to be flat but full of big trees and with thick undergrowth. However, it was not slushy because of the close flowing stream and the slope of he land into the streams.

It required enormous effort to clear the area. Bringing stores to this place was another very difficult preposition as even nails would have to be got from Tinsukhia, which for an ordinary person would have taken 10-15 days journey one way. The other alternative was through air, i.e., helicopters, but priority of helicopters was the ration for soldiers and ammunition for guns than anything else. In addition the carriage of these items for 16 kilometers from the helipad was another difficulty. The first requirement, however, was to clear the thick under­growth up to the selected place which itself was a major task. I did not think it feasible to prepare a worthwhile place of worship under these conditions.
"This is an auspicious place, 15 days hence is the auspicious day to carry out stone laying for the place of worship," the Lama announced keeping his eyes closed. "It is perfectly alright. We will clear the place within that time," Subedar Surat Singh took upon himself voluntarily, the preliminary task of clearing the area and also the track to the place. The area was studied minutely and the place was selected where the Lama finally put a small stick and a small piece of cloth bearing "Om Mani Padme Hum" hanging over it as a flag. As we returned, Subedar Surat Singh studied the route seriously. The Lama told us whom all to contact locally for construc­tion of the place of worship. It would require about 800 wooden planks and about 100 CGI sheets in addition to other building material. "How can we manage it all"? I passed on the question to Subedar Surat Singh. Nothing seemed to unruffle the Subedar as he seemed to be quite determined. "We will prepare the planks ourselves by sawing wood. CGI sheets can be arranged by air from Dinjan (Assam)," he said as if it was not difficult at all. On return, Subedar Surat Singh was heard stating the whole incident to the men of my unit with lot of enthusiasm. These deeply religious Ahirs from Haryana, took every word stated by Subedar Surat Singh seriously and gave a word to him that they will do every bit to carry out the "Will of God".

The work started without delay and the men, who were eager to do something, swung into action. Meanwhile the Lama had told Segang people about the event. The Gaon Burha came with his men to help us in whatever way we wanted to utilize him. Subedar Surat Singh asked for the help of a carpenter and a saw-man which the Gaon Burha deputed without hitch. I requested him to get the land transferred to the institution which he agreed heartily. He along with the Lama planned to meet the Extra Assistant Commissioner, Manchuka for permission and transfer of tl1e land in the name of Gurdwara as a religious institution.

Bringing the material to Menchukha from Dinjan-Tinsukhia was certainly a problem. When I met the pilot of the helicopter providing us supplies, he too was eager to visit the place. I took him through the difficult route. After paying his obeisance he saw the area around closely and mentioned that about 500 yards away, there was a good ground, which could be developed into a dropping zone and if some effort was put in, it could also be converted into a helipad. For this, permission and clearance had to coined from the headquarters.

The work progressed faster than expected. Soon the Assam Rifles soldiers also joined in. The senior most officer of the area was the Battalion Commander of Mahar Regiment and at that time Major Yadav, again an Ahir, was officiating. As I told him about the place, he too went there out of curiosity. Visiting the area, he recommended deploying a company on the nearby hill as he found it to be yet an unknown route from the enemy side and needed an immediate coverage. The development of the area turned out to be much faster than I would have ex­pected. Later on the higher commanders of Army, Air Force" and Assam Rifles, who visited Manchuka, made it a point to visit the place. With the help of the local carpenters and soldiers, three rooms were constructed. As the developments on the other side caused a great threat to the valley, a brigade was later planned to move to the place and a key location point was planned. Accordingly an artillery field firing range was also proposed. A company of Bengal Engineers comprising of Sikhs landed which not only improved the local constructions but was also given the task of preparing an advance landing ground for the aeroplanes as well as helipads and tracks/roads to various locations. The place was given the name "Guru Nanak Taposthan and had become a great place of worship not only for the local people but for all the outsiders as well, who longed to carry some worthwhile memories back home.

There was a big fair of the local people at the place on 24th March (1987) as this was the occasion mentioned by Lama on which Guru Nanak had come to the place. We arranged to give free lunch for all the people visiting the place and had hymn singing at the new place. Sri Guru Granth Sahib too had been placed by then which I brought from Tinusukhia. Initially, I carried out the daily routine prayers and rituals at the place in which the Lama helped me. Later a soldier from the Engineer Company took over the task on himself.

We celebrated Baisakhi with all rituals as the soldiers of the Engineers Company com­prised of Sikhs who took keen interest in performing the rituals. We were able to have an Akhand Path, i.e., non-stop recitation of the entire Sri Guru Grant Sahib within 48 hours. Being inquisitive, I studied the travels of Guru Nanak to Himalayan region and his contact with Lamas in great detail. These details were published in three books: (a) The Amazing Travels of Guru Nanak to Himalayan Region, (b) Guru Nanak’s travels to North East and (c)So Thank Suhawa.

Guru Nanak came in contact with Lamas during his visit to Himachal Pradesh in Rawalsar Area. The discussions at Mansarovar-Sumer Parbat were the turning point. During his dis­courses with Siddhas, Guru Nanak left a deep impact not only on Siddhas but also local people who were mainly of Tibetan origin. Amongst them was the then King of Tibet Trasuing Deochung, who was a lama from Karmapa sect who became Guru Nanak's follower. He in­vited Guru Nanak to Lhasa, an invitation which Gun; Nanak accepted.

Guru Nanak visited Thyangboche monastery an important centre of Lamas, where Guru's idol and a manuscript had been preserved. Thyangboche Monastery is one of the most beauti­ful sites of the world on a table land, amidst breath taking scenery surrounded by the Pan­orama of Khumbu-Himalayas with Mount Everest. The Head Lama of the Thyangboche monastery is a reincarnation highly revered by Sherpas. Guru Nanak held discussions with the Head Lama of the Thyangboche Monastery. The Lamas were higWy impressed by the Guru's teaching and became his followers. Major H.S Kohli leader of the famous Indian expedition to Mt. Everest mentions of a large sized idol and a manuscript of Guru Nanak at Thyangboche Monastery. He writes, "The cupboards in Gompha maintained many manuscripts. There were idols of past lamas. These included an idol of Guru Nanak, Guru Rimpoche. Tibetans call Guru Nanak, Guru Rimpoche. His Holiness the Head Lama told him that some writings of the great Guru were in his personal possessions.

Guru Nanak is said to have reached Sakya Monastry in the ninth month of Tibetan Cal­endar. According to a Karmapa legend Guru Nanak is said to have reached this place, tied the witches and turned them into masks (immobile/inactive). On the day of annual celebrations of this monastery these witch-masks are stated to be shedding tears and dance, bound by chains. Guru Nanak was presented a robe by the local chief/king which is now preserved in Lachen Monastery (North Sikkim). This writer examined it at Lachen and later received the photographs of the items of Guru Nanak preserved at Lachen Gompha. From Tibet, the Guru entered Sikkim through Chorten-Nyima-Ia. Near Chorten Nyi-ma-Ia there are 108 small lakes commemorating Guru's visit. As per this legend seeing the natural beauty of the area, Guru Nanak got in ecstasy and broke his rosary. The 108 beads spread around and formed into small lakes. This added to the beauty of the area further.

In Muguthang valley there is a lake which according to local legend, had demons who used to swallow human beings possibly Cannibals as Cannibalism was prevalent in that area. Local people requested Guru Nanak for protection. Guru Nanak picked a huge boulder and threw it towards the lake. Sensing the danger the lake devils, a male and female came out of the lake and requested for forgiveness. Guru Nanak forgave them and held the falling stone with rope. The same stone with lake marks can still be seen hanging over the lake. These two devils were forbidden from eating human flesh and were redeemed by guiding them to the True Name of God. An annual fair honoring Guru's visit is held every year at the place since then. At Kedang, he was enchanted by the beauty of the green rich valley. He blessed the valley as highly bewitching and called it "ki dang' (which astonishes).

Guru Nanak proceeded towards Gurudongmar. In Gurudongmar lake area, the graziers approached Guru Nanak to solve their problem of water shortage as the lakes all around froze in winters at 17500 feet. Guru Nanak hit the water with his stick. Since then the water of the lake is stated to have never frozen. The lake and the hill feature atop came to be known as the Gurudongmar Lake and hill respectively. This writer found these names even in the maps printed in nineteenth century. He also found the water of the lake unaffected even in Decem­ber-January, when it snows up to 10 feet and the temperature falls to minus 30 degrees. Some graziers projected another problem about the attitude, which affected their virility. He blessed the Gurudongmar Lake saying whoever takes the water of this lake would gain virility and strength. The people of these areas have firm faith in Guru’s words and the water of the lake is considered as nectar by them. This lake is the originating source of Teesta River. A Gurdwara was constructed at the site during the writer's presence at the adjoining hill of 22000 ft. for over three months. The 800x500 square yards lake became a place of great attraction soon after my earlier articles on this subject. A helipad has been constructed and a well-constructed track leads upto the Gurdwara and the lake site.

From Gurudongmar, Guru Nanak came to Thanggu. His foot marks were stated to be existent on a huge boulder by the side of Teesta River but the ignorant road construction party blew off the boulder stone in 1987. The stone fell into the river and was recovered by Lachen Lama and preserved in Lachen monastery. At Thanggu in Guru's memory a Gompa and a Chorten were constructed in which small 1 002 idols of Guru Nanak are preserved. A Gurdwara has been constructed by the engineer company area to commemorate Guru Nanak's visit to the place.

His next stay was at Lachen. In Lachen Gompha, Guru Nanak's foot marks are preserved on a piece of stone. A dress given to him by the then Tibetan king, the foot marks on stone and a kamandal of the Guru are also preserved. From Lachen he proceeded towards south and relaxed near Munsithang where he found a hot water spring. His body marks exist near this location. Next place was Chug-thang (height 6000 feet). Local people call Chungthang as Nanakthang. Here Guru Nanak spent his thing and fourth night after his visit to Gurudongmar. There is a boulder stone about 20 feet in diameter and 20 feet high commemorating Guru Nanak's visit. As Guru Nanak relaxed near this boulqer a devil staying on nearby hill, threw a heavy stone on Guru Nanak. The boulder was brought to a halt by Guru Nanak with a stick. He then climbed on the stone to warn the demon. Finding Guru Nanak unaffected, the demon fell at his feet. Guru Nanak asked him not to disturb the local people and to leave the place and follow the True Name of Lord, which he finally did. Foot prints indicating Guru Nanak’s climbing atop the stone are stuck into the earth in a straight posture. The stick has now taken the shape of a tree and is known as "Babe di khoondi'.

Sitting at the top of the stone, Guru Nanak opened his lunch pack consisting of rice packed in banana leaves. The local people had not seen such banana leaves. They prayed to Guru Nanak, "There is no rice or bananas in our area. Please favour us with these." Guru Nanak threw some left over rice around the boulder. and buried the banana leaves. He then announced, "Hence forth paddy and bananas shall always be grown in this valley." Chungthang has been the only place around in the area for long where paddy and bananas grew since Guru Nanak's visit. He also one side of the boulder with his hands and there appeared a spring. This spring (Charma) on the side of the boulder has been flowing ever since. Guru Nanak's blessing to these people is the reason for the prosperity of Chungthang valley. The local people always remember him and worship him with great devotion.

The details of Guru Nanak's visits to Tibet, Sikkim and beyond were told to me by various Lamas and local people. Lamas of Thanggu, Lachen, Lachung and Muguthang gave most of the details which have been examined and incorporated here. They also say that Guru Nanak's sacred scripture and one tourlice were left under a boulder stone, which will be taken out by Guru Nanak's successor at an appropriate occasion. The local lamas worship Guru Nanak as Nanak Lama. As Assam Rifles Batallion stationed at Chungthang constructed an impressive building of Gurudwara under guidance of Subedar Major Bhullar. The Gurdwara is now called Gurdwara Nanak Lama. The local MLA takes keen interest in the protection, main­tenance and upliftment of the place "Babe di khoondi"is now a shapely tree which attracts the visitors and the worshippers alike. The foot prints are well preserved. The water from the spring is considered as a source of strength and sign of purity and is being taken as charanamrit. The rice field is secured by a wall around. The kesari flag can be seen from miles and one has not to do any effort to find the place as it is now in the centre of the valley as well as the town.

From Chungthang, Guru Nanak is also said to, have proceeded to Phodong. A Grand monastery is the reminiscent of Guru Nanak's visit. The head of the monastery is considered as the reincarnation of Guru Nanak and an organized succession system exists. The present successor of Nanak Lama was installed in 1989. The installation ceremony appeared in the columns of local papers with photographs.

From Phodong Guru Nanak retuned to Chungthang and went to Lachung (height 9500ft). In Lachung monastery at the top of nearby hill there were excellent wall paintings depicting Guru Nanak's visit to the area which now stand obliterated. After Lachung the Guru Nanak is stated to have stayed at Yumthang enroute to Tibet and Bhutan. At Yumthang, Guru Nanak found these people quite unclean. They never took bath for months as the water of the area was cold. Guru Nanak removed a stone and a hot spring appeared. The gushing water formed a rivulet. Guru Nanak asked the local people to have regular bath and worship God early in the morning. The people follow Guru's teaching till today. From Yumthang, Guru Nanak went to Pharidzong through Pyakochin and Ghorala. At Pyakochin writing in Gurumukhi on a stone pillar commemorates Guru's visit.

Guru Nanak is said to have entered Bhutan from North-East Bhutan after his visit to Sikkim and Chumbi valley. From Pharidzong in Chumbi valley, he entered Paro valley, and visited the Dukhgyel Dzong, the eastern fort of Bhutan, famous for its great round towers. Tak-sang (Tiger's Deb) was the next place he visited. Ha and Paro monasteries were also visited by him. This monastery is a valuable treasure of art and religious paintings and manuscripts. Guru's painting is also said to be preserved there. The' holy Guru is believed to have tamed the dreaded demons and tigers of the area. Tiger's Den is stated to be the reminiscent of the same event.

From Paro, Guru Nanak visited Thimpu and Tashi-Cho-Dzong. Over looking Tashi­Cho-Dzong is the White Glacier of the three Spiritual Brothers. This is said to be in reminis­cence of the visit of Guru Nanak and his two disciples. At Tashi-Cho-Dzong, Guru Nanak visited the chief monastery. Guru Nanak Baba taught them true name; to give alms to the poor and to have bath regularly. A temple (Dharamsala) was established in the name of Guru Nanak. The holy Guru is said to have then visited Bumthang. From Tashi-Cho-Dzong and Bumthang, Guru Nanak is said to have visited Central Bhutan where tell tale indications are available of his visit. He is also said to have visited Askord where Guru Nanak's paintings are preserved. He visited Sela and Sabrela and crossed a hill now known as Govindgarh. From there he visited a place now known as Nanak Dzong. He stayed at the place for some days and held discourses. There the people worship him till today as Nanak Lama. Thereafter, he proceeded further north and visited the famous monastery at Tawang. His painting is still preserved at the mon­astery. The Lamas worship Guru Nanak as their Guru Rimpoche. As he went further on the route adopted by Dalai Lama while escaping from Lhasa, he relaxed on a boulder and ap­praised the beauty of the nature. This boulder is marked by its specialty that even during heavy snow fall, it remains uncovered while the snow engulfs every inch of the area up to six feet in winter.' Guru Nanak then went to Nagula, where he meditated. Now a meditation centre has been established for all religions in memory of Guru Nanak's visit. At Lumpung monastery, there is a large sized statue of about 20 feet stating it to be of Guru Nanak which I photo­graphed. The route adopted by Guru Nanak to the place and to Lhasa was more or less the same as adopted by Dalai Lama during his departure from Lhasa. Guru Nanak visited this monastery in the year 1516 AD and the followers of the Guru projected their doubts which Guru Nanak cleared.

At Lhasa, Guru Nanak visited the famous Potala, the seat of Dalai Lama. At the time the power was transferred from Kar-ma-pa sect to Ge-Iug-pa sect. The Ge-Lug-pa sect had started a reign of terror against the Kar-ma-pa sect, the sect which had become the follower of Guru Nanak and s stated to have held discussion with the Second Lama at Potala and requested him to stop bloodshed. The monastery had a book of Guru's Shabds in their lan­guage which was destroyed in a fire about fifty years ago. Guru Nanak is said to have visited Shekhar-Bhumja and Dojeeling in Menchukha valley as well. Regular fairs are held in Febru­ary at these places. Close to Mechukha, there is a snow white cave. Guru Nanak is said to have meditated in this cave also. It is said that Guru Nanak stayed in this area for about 3 months. According to the local Membas, Guru Nanak brought them from Southern Tibet and got them settled in the valley and it became far better from their previous place. In their songs they give out the legend of their settlements.. Guru Nanak is worshipped in the Gompha of Gelling Tuting valley too. Guru Nanak visited Walong at. the eastern edge of Arunachal Pradesh. He is said to have visited Rima in China from here. At Tinsukhia, the followers of Sankar Deb regularly visit Gurdwara on Guru Nanak's Birthday in honour of Guru's visit to the area and call Guru Nanak as Guru Bhai of Shankardeb. Guru's return journey was through Kashmir. Guru Nanak entered Jammu & Kashmir state from Kashgar and Yarkand (China) through Karakoram Pass and reached Leh, as per Dr. Kohli. However Drs. Fajua Singh and Kirpal Singh mention Guru Nanak reaching Leh through Chushul after visit of Mansrover. The second route seems more plausible and is considered here. There is a tree near Leh under which Guru Nanak sat and delivered sermons., The tree is treated to be sacred by the local people. From Leh Guru Nanak visited a number of places in Ladakh. At a distance of 24 km to tl1e west of Leh on Leh Kargil road in the village Basgo, there is a rock on the roadside about 8 feet high and 8 feet in diameter. It has a cavity which appears to have the impressions of head, shoulders and upper part of the body of a man. A Gurdwara was constructed by Army Engineers of Border Roads near the place to commemorate the event. The Gurdwara is famous as Pathar Sahib. Gatherings on Sunday & Gurpurabs are attended by the Sikhs serving in the area and local Ladakhis. Guru Nanak also visited Karu. There are two small hutments near Karu where the people worship only Guru Nanak and none other. No Gurdwara has yet been built there. Many people in Hemus believe that foundation stope of the Hemus Gompha was laid by Guru Nanak. From Leh, passing though Karu and Hemus, he moved towards Skardu. The Guru passed through Bimu, Khaltse Sarkot and Pask along Zanskar River and reached Skardu. There used to be an ancient Gurudwara before 1949. However its present state is not known.

At all the above areas Guru Nanak came in contact with Lamas. Guru Nanak followers are from Karmapa-Nyingmapa sects which number around 1 Lakh. These Lamas have their Gomphas where they have established statues 'of Buddha and other Lamas. Karma Pa and Nyingmapa sects Gomphas have large sized statues of Guru Nanak as both these sects wor­ship Guru Nanak till to date. They have been the regular visitors of Sri Harimandar Sahib which they call it as the place of Nanak Lama, but lately they have stopped coming in large numbers as tl1ey say that the sewadars there have been treating them very badly. These are devoted Sikhs who follow Guru Nanak's ideals to the core and have the verses of Guru Nanak translated in Tibetan. We must establish regular contact with them and bring them in our own fold with due respect and honour.