The Institute of Sikh Studies(IOSS), Chandigarh in its letter dated 27th Dec. 09 addressed to Gyani Gurbachan Singh Ji, Jathedar-Sri Akal Takhat Sahib has requested him to refer whatever proposal for modification of the Calendar he has received to the Institute of Sikh Studies, Chandigarh for its opinion. It was the IOSS which had taken the initiative under the leadership of Dr., Kharak Singh Ji and forwarded to the then President of SGPC, S. Gurcharan Singh Tohra, the Calendar as evolved by Dr. Purewal after its finalization by the Institute in many consultations with the experts, scholars and representatives of Sikh organizations extended over number of years labour. After due scrutiny by thr SGPC, the Calendar as finalized by the Institute, had been launched by the SGPC vide communications to various Panthic bodies.

The Institute is firmly of the view that, keeping in view the prevailing sentiments in the Panth, this issue deserves in-depth deliberations and that there is no apparent urgency in taking a final view on modification proposals without such deliberations involving experts, scholars and representatives of Sikh organizations. It has assured Jathedar Sahib that the Institute will again arrange such deliberations and consultations and submit the conclusions so arrived at for the consideration of the Jathedar Sahib.