Jasbir Singh Sethi
16410 Bluff Springs Drive, Houston, TX 77095
Email: jssethi03@yahoo.com

Khalsa Pargateo Parmatam Ki Mauj
(Khalsa came to existence in exuberance of the ALMIGHTY)
Mankind had the teachings and life stories of many founders of various religions. They all claimed their exclusivity that He alone is in direct touch with Almighty and thus have a “Copyright” to the path of salvation and God realization.
To assert their authenticity, they supposedly performed miracles, to convince people to become their followers. The carrot was that, on their recommendation, they will get a “Happy Abode” for ever in “Heaven”.
What is Heaven? The promised land of eternal happiness? Well the description of Heaven may slightly differ in their promised rewards depending on the aspirations of the deprived and oppressed masses. The basic idea was enlistment of absolutely loyal and obedient slaves in return for a “promissory note” of an admission ticket to the “Promised Land of Happiness” some time after death.
The whole structure evolved in perpetuating an oligarchic power structure of control. This also gave rise to power struggle. To gain more and more, “Conversion” was adopted as a tool. For conversion both “Carrot and Rod” were used. The sole objective was to increase numbers and gain more and more geographical area and thus control of its resources. The label was, of course, lofty ideal of saving the lost souls.
The zeal to gain more and more power by conversion, naturally gave rise to power conflicts. The whole history of mankind is full of wars and wars only, mainly in the name of religion, even within the various fractions of a religion. The whole lofty idea of transformation of man to a super and humane man of peace and dignity and respect for Almighty’s creation, was not even given lip sympathy.
One major reason was that since the “Entry Passes” were promised to be granted by the founder, it provided a great opportunity for middle men to usurp these positions of middlemen, blatantly “Power Hungry” breed. The purpose of God Almighty of sending HIS Messenger got defeated by greed.
Creation of Khalsa, was thus a remarkably, extremely innovative, novel concept. What is a Miracle? Webster Dictionary defines miracle as a supernatural act. Wikipedia defines miracle as an unexpected event attributed to divine intervention. It also says a statistically unlikely, but beneficial event is a “wonderful occurrence.”
Since science has been advancing our knowledge of laws of the physical world gave birth to new inventions. Virtually, we have been performing miracles. We can easily say that current technological inventions in communications, speed travel, space sciences – moon landing and space stations are miracles and science fictions of just a century ago. True definition of miracle is thus an event that cannot be explained with our current status of the scientific knowledge. We like the proverbial “Frog in a well syndrome”. We cannot comprehend, so it does not exist.
Appearance of Khalsa in 1699 is in the “realm of the world of mind”. Scientific knowledge of mind, at that time, was next to nil. Even today, scientific research and discoveries in this area are only at the fringes of this vast domain, and sure are astounding.
Let us see what were the societal and political conditions or the state of affairs of humanity at that time.
It was pathetically inhuman.
“Baba Dekhe Dhian Dhar, Jalti Saab Srishti Dis Aaye.”
(Guru Nanak Dev Ji when looked the world intently, he noticed that the entire world was aflame – symbolically, consumed by greed and oppression.
The world was governed with various variations of the same theme, “Divine Right of Kings”. The rulers were, thus pursuing their ambitions, to over power each other and without any qualms were sacrificing millions and millions of common people, in endless wars and conflicts. On top of that, their thinking and actions were sanctified by the established religious authorities. At the time of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the conditions in India were at its lowest ebb.
The ruling Mughals were treating the majority population of Hindus as sub humans and worse than slaves.
“ It is necessary to look at the both internal and external state of affairs of Hindus in their national, religious, social and political life, that instigated Guru Gobind Singh Ji to creation of Khalsa” (1)
Further down Lala Daulat Rai describes the internal status of Hindus that gave kind of open invitation to Islam to come and subdue and enslave India. “After, Manu and Mahabharat, there were cataclysmic changes in Hindu Society. There was no unity. Their national structure was torn apart and was in pieces. Personal and tribal differences escalated to such heights that they not only became enemies of each other, but vowed to decimate the others. As if these social, cultural, climatical, political and geographical differences were not enough, the caste system and religious practices and differences, such as idol worship, reverence of humans, and even animal worship, also were a major contributors in the absolute fragmentation of the Hindu Society. Basically, the main reason of the spread of this venom of hatred is extreme intra-religious differences. The birth of this “religious hatred” to the point of open enmity was at the time of supremacy of Brahminical Religion. Brahmins, to maintain and enhance their clutches on others, cast the caste system in stone so tightly, that there was no possibility left for scheduled cast to ever advance. All of them were forbidden to get education and thus were pushed to the bottom of the dark well. The Vedic Religion was transformed to a cruel Brahminical Religion.” (2)
Lala Daulat Rai, also looks at the cruelty perpetrated by Islamic Jehadi invaders. The excuse was that Hindus are Idol Worshippers and so are “Kafirs”. “The early Invaders were ferocious and in their zeal inflicted extremely uncivilized and shameless acts. They not only desecrated ,looted and demolished Hindu religious shrines, but also raped Hindu women. Men, women and children, in hundreds of thousands, were killed. Hindu women were auctioned in the market places of Ghazni.” (3)
With this background, there is no parallel that completely down trodden and demoralized to the point of, “ good for nothing populace”, is transformed to not only challenge but to become victorious over the mightiest empire. That was the task ahead of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The transformation of virtually untouchables into the order of Khalsa, was the greatest of miracles.

“ Stories of Shri Ram Chander Ji, till today, are used as inspirational, but at that time the whole country was under Hindu Kingdoms and there was no threat to Hinduism and the country. Ram Chander Ji, himself was a Prince and thus a virtual king; all other neighboring powerful kings were ready to help him. In spite of all that his march on Sri Lanka was not in defense of the country, nor was it a patriotic war. No doubt he fought against evil to rescue his bride, and did a good job.
But Guru Gobind Singh Ji came to the battlefield, to protect thousands of ladies and to annihilate the evil, with no selfish motive at all. Also imagine that he was a saint with no wealth, power of position and no supply of arms, no kingdom. He was driven by Destiny with unshakable confidence.
Similarly, all the events in the life of Shri Krishna, were based on “vengeance “.
All the religious achievements attributed to him, were in fact inspired by personal grudges.” (4)
Guru Gobind Singh Ji describes his “Mission Statement.”
Hum Eh Kaaj Jagat Moae Aaye
Dhram Saet Gurdev Pathae
Jahan Tahan Tum Dharam Bitharo
Dusht Dokhian Pakar Paccharo (5)
Hari Ram Gupta describes Guru Gobind Singh Ji as:
“His personality was so fascinating, so bewitching, so dynamic, so momentous and so unforgettable, that we are seized with wonder at the changes which took place in Punjab within one year and a half of his death. He was the greatest genius of his age.” (6)
Here is Ranbir (Milap Daily) on Guru Gobind Singh Ji:
“I have reverence for Guru Gobind Singh Ji, since my childhood when I developed understanding that he was not just a Religious Prophet, but the greatest of all Statesmen and Politicians of this country; a patriot without any parallel; the greatest of all philosophers; A par excellent Organizer and Manager and on top of that a grand poet. The more I learnt about him, the more was I convinced that he was not just for one religion or one region, he in fact belonged to the entire humanity. He was such a person, who, with his wisdom and grand vision, ushered in a new era. If he was not born in this country and if he had not inaugurated this new era, we must, in all likelihood, would have been still slaves for another thousand years.” (7)
Guru Gobind Singh Ji performed this Miracle of Creation of Khalsa in 1699 on Visakhi Day at Anand Pur Sahib. Low and behold, a New Era dawned for humanity.
The minute details of happenings are described by various historians in their own way. Officially authenticated document is not available. Some sketchy details are cited and then the missing details are filled in by each Historian. In my appreciation, the following description seems more accurate, appropriate and in accordance with the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib. “Bhai Vir Singh ji has mentioned one “Abu-ul-Tarafi”, who was a spy of Delhi Durbar of Mughal Empire. He was deputed to spy on Guru Gobind Singh Ji in Anand Pur Sahib. This incident is recorded in his “Spy’s Journal” as under:
“On the day Guru Gobind Singh Ji prepared “AMRIT” in Anandpur, the attendance in the Diwan was about 35 to 40 thousands (other sources say 80 thousand). Mughals had four thrones (Seats of Imperial Power), Delhi, Agra, Lahore and Kalanur, but the grandeur of Guru Ji’s throne was a class by itself. The grandeur of this throne was out of this world.
Guru Ji came to the Diwan and unsheathing his sword, spoke in his thundering voice that he needed a head. No questions or hesitation at all, Bhai Daya Ram came forward to Guru Ji. Guru Ji right in front of all, cut off his head from the body in one stroke. Every body present was stunned. Then Guru Ji again thundered and demanded one more head. Right on Guru’s call, Dharam Chand got up, came to Guru Ji, bowed his head and said here is my offering of my head. Guru Ji, again, in one stroke cut off Dharam Chand’s head from his body. Now there was a big commotion in the Diwan. But Guru Ji in his thundering voice went on demanding heads, one after the other, Himmat Rai, Mohkam Chand and Sahib Ram got up and offered their heads. Guru Ji cut off the heads of these three also.
Many from the congregation, went to Guru Ji’s mother, and narrated the whole happenings in the Diwan to Mata Ji. Guru Ji cleaned up the blood from the five bodies and heads and even washed the floor. Then the Guru of these infidels, stitched one head with other body, one by one. This process took about three hours. Then he covered these dead bodies with white sheets. The Guru of the infidels then took a cauldron made of stone and put an iron wok without handles on top of it. Poured water into the wok and started preparing the “Aab-e-Hyat” (Amrit) (The Elixir of Life). The infidel Guru kept churning the water with his sword and kept on reciting his “Kalma” (Gurbani). This process went on for one and a half to two hours. During this time, a lady from Guru’s house came and put something in that water. Now the Elixir was ready.
From the corpses, he took the covering sheets off. First he sat on the head side of Daya Ram, and poured the Elixir in his mouth, then poured some on his head and sprinkled some on his body, and then he asked the dead body to say, “Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.” As if on Guru’s command, Daya Ram got up and repeated in his bold voice, “Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.”
It appeared that in the entire congregation every body was so stunned and as if stopped breathing. It was a pin drop silence. All those present were mesmerized with their Guru’s miracle. In the same manner, one after the other, Guru made the other four alive too.
Then, he took all Five of them inside a tent. After a while, Guru Ji along with the five came out. The Five were now wearing new attire (Dress). Those Five risen from the dead were standing in line. Then Guru came in front of them and took the “Bir Asan” (posture of the brave –kneeling on one knee) and asked for the ELIXIR. At this point, these five asked, what are you offering to get this AMRIT (Elixir). Then Guru Said that I would sacrifice my parents and my sons for your sake. Then these five gave ELIXIR to Guru. Name of Guru was also changed to, “GOBIND SINGH”. The word Singh was attached as with the other Five – Daya Singh, Dharam Singh, Himmat Singh, Mohkam Singh and Sahib Singh.
Abu-el-Tarafi writes that I was very remorseful and cried like a baby. After that, thousands took the “AMRIT” (ELIXIR). Even I was attracted by a magnetic force and with utmost regrets fell on Guru’s feet. I requested Guru to give me AMRIT, (Aab-e-Hyat) too. Guru Ji already knew about my role as a spy and a traitor, put His hand on my back, gave me AMRIT and changed my name to Ajmer Singh. Just with His this act, my sins of numerous lives got washed away. I participated in many wars.
On that day, I sent my last report to Emperor Aurangzeb. In this Report I wrote my eyewitness account in details. I also warned Aurangzeb in strongest possible words that don’t you dare to challenge the incarnation of God, and desist from cruel policies and if you did not listen to and act on my advice, then God forbid, you will lose all, your throne and your family. (8)
Creation of Khalsa was a grand miracle for all times for the whole of mankind. The lowliest of all the mankind was fully empowered to fearlessly face formidable enemies. They were not mere warriors. Most did not come from the martial races. Had no ancestry of soldiery to boast off. Did not get any formal training of wielding weapons from Gurus like Darona Achariya. They did not attend Indian Military Academy, or Sanders or West Point. They were “Saint Soldiers.” First and foremost trait they had was “FAITH” in their Guru.
“More things are wrought by Faith and Prayer than this world dreams off.” Just recently (October 2010), a supposed miracle has been watched by the entire world. In Chile, 33 miners were trapped almost a mile under the earth. They survived 71 days completely in that darkest tunnel, temperature reaching 95 degrees F and 100% humidity conditions, where it is not possible to survive for such a long stretch of time. The top Psychologists are wonderstruck that how come they did not go berserk and started tearing each other apart. The psychologists have no scientific theory to quote for these phenomena. NASA Psychologist just said, “It is their FAITH that pulled them through”.
Can you imagine five persons, one after the other, watching the beheading of the earlier one, offering their heads to a blood dripping sword. All of them had attained the stature of a Saint.
“Satgur Mera Mar Jeewalae” (My True Guru can kill me and resurrect me).
“Pehla Maran Kabool Kar, Jeewan Ki Chhad Aas” (First accept death, and leave attachment to life). “Nirbhao Japae Sagaal Bhao Mitae” (By meditating on the Almighty – The Fearless, one himself overcomes ALL FEARS)
In this Ephemeral Cosmic Drama, Life is just an idea and so is death. This realization can come only when you become Saint. Now you have no FEAR. This quality is stated right in the beginning in the Mool Mantar (Nirbhao – fearless). Such “Saint-Soldiers” are fearless and the greatest of all the fears is loss of life. Khalsa, thus are those enlisted in the Army of the God (Akal Purakh Ki Fauj).
This empowerment is the creed of the Khalsa.
Guru Ji had accomplished his stated mission. As a True Leader He had rendered full accountability, in broad day light, before estimated 80,000 gathering.
But Sikhism is a Scientific Religion. Guru Gobind Singh Ji is “Scientist Superemo”. Every scientist when invents a new thing, devises certain tests, so that, if the product is tested and passes those tests, the invention gets validated. Here Guru Ji prescribes the test himself - FEARLESSNESS: “Sawa Laakh Se Ek Laraon”
(My one Saint-Soldier will face 125,000 enemy warrior of the Mighty Empire).
Story tells us that he had already selected and indicated the “Test Lab.” It was Chamkaur. The battle of Chamkaur was the first successful test , “Sawa Lakh Se Ek Laraon”. Here handful of Sikhs fought unflinchingly with over 200,000 of the enemy force, comprising of Mughals and Hindu Hill Chieftains. Here two elder sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, fell fighting the enemy force of over “Swa Lakh”.
“Repeatability” is another criterion of a successful scientific experiment. Just after the death of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1708, Gen. Gurbakhsh Singh, lovingly known as “Banda Bahadur”, repeated the same experiment with astounding results. Single person with council of advisors of Five, and introductory letters from Guru Gobind Singh to a few common citizens, (not one of was an elite and none had any power fiscal or military), defeated the strongest out post and Governor of most powerful state under Mughal Empire – Sirhind was defeated in the battle of Chapar Chiri.
He established the first Sikh Kingdom and the first Independent Kingdom of India after about thousand years. The proud history records that not one out of over 700 of his colleagues, when captured and eventually brutally decimated, admitted defeat and abandoned the mission. Sure these people from some different world!
Really marvelous discoveries of Science were initially believed in by a few well evolved minds. Later on, years and decades of hard laborious experimentation, brought the scientific proof. Thus it took sometimes hundreds of years before significant scientific discoveries joined the realm of human knowledge and then could give tremendous boost to further new discoveries and inventions. Till then all such were “miracles”.
Even the most advanced discovery of “Theory of Relativity”, by now revered scientist Einstein, though published by him in 1914, and had to wait for decades before befitting experiments could prove some of its postulates. Some , in the purview of possibility, have yet to be confirmed; but enough proof on various postulates emanating from the theory have been proven that now no body doubts the veracity of the theory of relativity.
Even now simply referred as E=MC2 was shattering the age old Newtonian Laws of Mass and Energy. These laws postulated that sum totals of Mass and similarly of Energy are Constant. The new theory was in disbelief of scientists all over. This theory was saying that mass and energy were inter-convertible. And look at the explosive phenomena that followed after almost 50 years of its postulation. A tiny amount of matter when converted to energy, gave rise to unbelievable amount of energy, first in the form of a nuclear bomb and then for conversion to nuclear power grids. Here Guru Ji’s Miracle is performing the over powering domain of mind on the physical existence. In USA, the term “Mind over Matter” is now well recognized. Unfortunately, the scientific exploration of Mind is still in its infancy. But even till today, minuscule results of very limited research are astounding. Symbolically, world largest giant of a company IBM has its motto “THINK”. (Tat Veecharo).
Well our Eastern Philosophy talks of “Mun, Bachh, Karam” (Thoughts in the mind, create our terminology and goad us to actions) Thus the role of Good Positive Thoughts is now well recognized. So much so that even Western Economists now give this as one of the reasons of poverty in eastern nations. They call it Duality (Dubeda). They believe that in Western Mind there is no duality in regards to wealth and that is why they are Rich. They pursue production of wealth without any doubts and thus are successful. Whereas, in Eastern Mind, there is Duality in regard to wealth. On one hand eastern countries want to become rich but in their mind they have highest regards for Sadhus, Sanyasis, yogis and persons like Gandhi in a lion cloth. Their assessment is that Japan and China have tried to resolve it by bifurcating the individual aspirations from societal aspirations. Japan invented a strong nationalism. China. “Family” over riding individual aspirations. India also adopted this approach and has made progress, but then immediately, the worst feuds crop up. All this is a subject of another Paper, right now, the point to note is DUALITY. Guru Ji in Guru Granth Sahib has times over warned against Duality (Dubeda).
Well, Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Miracle is in the Sphere of Mind (Mun Jeetae Jagjit – By conquering the Mind, you can subjugate the evils around the world).
I would like to summarize some of the documented evidence of this Miracle:
I- Self Evidence is given credibility in any court of law. Defendant himself takes the stand and takes the oath to speak the truth. Unless any definitive evidence, beyond any doubt, is presented. Self Witnessing (Evidence) is given the highest validity. I don’t think Our Guru Ji should be taking such a stand and taking oath to state his point. If that is the case, we are not Sikhs, we are Faithless worms. Guru Gobind Singh Ji has to convince us of the efficacy of this transformation. In Khalsa Mehma, when Guru Ji is describing the Qualities of Khalsa, he even takes the oath (Parbrham Guru Nanak Sakhi..)
II- Here are examples of Expert Witnesses. Common Practice in Courts is that on a very difficult subject, who cannot be easily comprehended, some Expert Witness(es) is called to testify its veracity. Here is one Expert Witness Testimony. Swami Vivekanand was an atheist and an ardent science (Physics) student. When he met Swami Ram Krishna Param Hans, he realized the existence of Lord (Paramatma). He, later, represented the Hindu Religion in the First Congress of Religions in Chicago. Here he convinced the western scholars and theologians of the power of Mind by demonstrating the efficacy of “the Ras Lila of Sri Krishna.” Once, when he was having his after dinner stroll, on the house top roof of one of his disciples, some one asked him, that it is stated that Guru Gobind Singh Ji had said,”Sawa Laakh Se Ek Laraon; Is it true?” It is stated that he went in a trance for a few moments then said, “Guru Gobind Singh Ji did not merely say it, He even demonstrated it) (9) . Another such expert witness is Professor Puran Singh, who was also a scientist, traveled abroad, particularly Japan, even explored other paths of wisdom, including Budhism. When he rediscovered the towering teachings and sky high achievements of Guru Gobind Singh Ji – especially creation of Khalsa. He just fell into incessant praises of Guru Ji. I believe all of you are aware of his superb writings.
III- SELF REALIZATION: Guru Granth Sahib has numerous quotes, but most of our “tekakars” (Translators) are like us, frogs in the well; try to interpret it in acceptable parables. Gurbani talks and without any exceptions, of (Sabh Kuchh Hae Bhai; Aape Maar Jeewalda; Jeewan Mukt; Jis Marne Te Jug Darae, Mere Man Anand, Marne He Te Payae Puran Parm Anand; Kaun Mua Bhai; Jae Tau Prem Khelan Ka Chhao; Joti Jot Ralee (The Concept of Jot is another unique feature of Sikh Religion, which has been thoroughly and amply expounded in Gurbani, but least understood); World under HIS Hukam (Bhae wich Sural, Bahe wich Chand..). Don’t you see the real problem thus is in us? We need a “Paradigm Shift”. Surprisingly, this concept that we need a paradigm shift to understand Guru Ji fully was driven home to me by Two Contemporary American Writers; Dr, Covey describes it explicitly in his book that unless we change or get rid of our previous mind controlling thoughts, we cannot get a full appreciation of and validity of a “Truth”. How can you understand “Mun tu Jot Saroop Hae, Aapna Mool Pachhan” literary yes, it is simple, but is it not telling us that if your real self is not Body, then you are not governed by physical laws. (10) Then again, Dr. Wayne Dyer has written a letter to a person of next century and asked him,” Have you been able to realize that we are Spiritual Beings who are here for Physical Experience; we are not Physical persons who occasionally get a glimpse of spirituality?” Does it not again confirm what Gurbani says that we can overcome Physical limitations by changing our perception of ourselves-a paradigm shift. (Self Realization, Aapna Mool Pachhan).
IV- SOURCE OF POWER thus is Spiritual. Guru Ji is cutting down all our burdens of caste, karma and all other bondages and is making us a New Ideal Man, God’s Real Creation (Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa). “ A Sant-Sipahi must be a saint before being a soldier. A soldier without the virtues of sainthood can only kill indiscriminately without knowing the truth. Professor Darshan Singh elaborated on Sikh identity in his own words below: “ Without the five virtues (truth, contentment, c, compassion, consciousness, and patience), a person having only an outer Sikh identity is like a Gurdwara with only Nishan Sahib but without the Guru Granth Sahibji’s Prakash in it.”(11 ).
V- LATEST FINDINGS: I got to mention a land mark book, “Power vs. Force” by David R. Hawkins. This is in the field of psychology. Psychology is the entry level door of modern science in the domain of Mind. A thoroughly researched book. It contains data collected and interpreted over twenty years. As a starter, it even gives you a very simple experiment, that you can do yourself on your friend, a child, spouse or any person, to give you proof of “Mind over Body”. Dr. Hawkins, like a true scientist, first devises a “Scale”, a tool to measure. His scale has two parts, “Force”, that is when we are ego driven and all our language and actions are motivated by ego (Munmukh); this scale goes up to 200. After 200, we enter a new domain, where ego is being subdued and your mind starts getting in tune with the spiritual power. His hypothesis is that in the ego stage, the Force is governed by Self interest and is linear. When it goes to the next realm, beyond 200, then it is driven by Power. Power is thus interpreted as Spiritual Energy encompassing the whole Universe (Guru Ji has symbolized it by Bhagoti – Two Edged Khanda – Sword used while making Amrit). His conclusion is that the curve here is driven by selfless causes and follows an exponential curve; meaning thereby that effectiveness of one such person is better than hundreds and thousands – (Swa Lakh Se Ek Laraon—). The point is that the truth of “Swa Laakh Se Ek”, is not just some figment of fiction, and is very much within the presently devised calibration methods and scales. Mind you these are just the baby steps of the science that has taken the courage to peep into the realm of Mind. Dr. Hawkins has also determined that there are always just a few persons living at a time beyond 200 on the scale. Gurbani has said ( Haen Virlae..) Let us not forget that postulation of Guru Nanak Dev Ji in 15th century, “Patalan Patal, Lakh Aagassan Aagaas” is now being validated, with discoveries by astronomers.
VI- NUMEROUS DUPLICATED EXPERIMENTS: (i) I just read an article by Capt. Amrinder Singh Ji in Tribune about the 1965 Indo-Pak War. He, from his personal knowledge has described how Gen. Harbakhash Singh just disobeyed the orders from New Delhi High Command and did not withdraw behind Beas River. On the contrary, undertook the highest risk of a “Court Martial” and a failure because he had virtually no support and complete non-cooperation of his own High Command, went on, against all odds and defeated Pakistan. This is that Miracle of Swa Laakh Se Ek Laraon. I am not surprised that most of us are still in the realm of Physical Body and cannot fathom at all the possibilities in the realm of Mind. (ii) Saka of Saragarhi is another testimonial. (iii) A recent World Wide recognized episode is Battle of Bangladesh, when the TV watchers all over the world saw “A Surrender signed by Gen. Niazi of Pakistan Army and given to Gen. Jagjit Singh Arora; and 93000 Prisoners of Wars with their hands on their heads”. Such a spectacle was not seen in any of the wars previously or since. (iv) Just recently, A Pakistani General in his book on his Memoirs have openly admitted that if the Sikhs were not there, we would have won the 1971 war. (v) Achievements are so numerous and spread all over the world, they are not even recorded and whatever is recorded are too numerous to reproduce here.
VII- WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW? I can see most of us nodding our heads that this is all silly, blind faith talk. Here is another scientific provocation. The results of a joint effort done by world’s top Scientists, Quantum Physicists, Neurologists, Psychiatrists, Spiritualists and others, in condensed version (to reach people all over the world) is contained in a 2004 Documentary “What The Bleep Do We Know?” It is being distributed in 30 countries, as an astounding tool to act as “Thought Provoking Land Mark.” Since all of you are interested in futuristic thought provoking ideas in Religion and Science, you owe it to yourself to see at least this condensed version. Here I just mention one little experiment by a Japanese Scientist on “Water”. Two Jars of water were labeled, one with Positive thoughts and the other with negative. With specially designed cameras the inner tiny crystals were photographed and the pictures show, that just in six month, the water in the jar with negative labels, looks muddy? You doubt it? Gurbani says (Pehla Paani Jeo Hae, Jit Harea Sab Koae), the water is the first life and human body is over 70% water (fluid), see how good positive thoughts and faith in Guru can keep you in “Chardi Kala”? You doubt the efficacy of “AMRIT”?
VIII- CONCLUSION: “Pretty soon, Scientists will be lining up at the doors of Gurbani to find answers to their dead ends, and unsolved scientific riddles.” (12) Even Bertrand Russell, a world famous iconoclastic British Philosopher had remarked that if the world got completely destroyed in the then feared WW III (Nuclear); then to restart humanity the only valid Light will be Sikhism. When asked, why Sikhism does not help the world now when we are at the brink of self destruction? His answer was because the Sikhs are committing the greatest sin against humanity and are not allowing the Light of the Teachings of Gurubani to the rest of the world. It is so unfortunate that we Sikhs have fallen to such depths of stupidity and in fact have no Faith on Guru Ji. Rightly enough, Guru Ji’s warning is also coming true, “Jab Eh Gayae Bipran Ki Reet, Maen Na Karoon Es Ki Partit”. The celebrations of Gurpurabs, even numerous centenaries, Sikh Institutions, Academia, Clergy and Seminars are going on without the spirit of Guru being present. Let us do our Self Evaluation and first become “Gurmukhs” from “Manmukhs”, Guru is there sure to help us. Sikhism always believed in QUALITY rather than QUANTITY. Presently, our wholesale focus is on NUMBERS (Votes), with the result we have reached despicable levels of Quality. We will have to focus on Quality. The numbers will become irrelevant, as “Sawa Laakh Se Ek” . Jews, in number are pretty much close to Sikhs, worldwide, but their impact on the world scene is way larger than their numbers. They really stressed on Quality and Education for decades. Quality counts, see the sole example of Dr. Manmohan Singh. He is there because of his QUALITY. He is respected allover the world for his wisdom, vision and integrity. He, courageously changed the direction of India’s economy from Governmental controls towards free enterprise, a 180 degree turn and sees the miraculous results. India, from a mere third rate country with 3% growth in its GDP, for decades, is now sky rocketing rate of 9% and is aspiring to be a world power. This is “Swa Lakh Se Ek” in the Economic Arena.(13)

With prayers that Guru Ji bestows on us the good sense to turn to being Gurmukh and help attain the DESTINY of an Ideal Man (Khalsa).
An Apology : Only brief lines from Gurbani are quoted (without the original text in Gurmulhi and Page numbers), on the hope and thus assumption that you are fully conversant with Gurbani.

(1) Preface – subtitled, “Description of that pathetic condition of Hindus that Guru Gobind Singh Ji was born” – “Sahib-e-Kamal Guru Gobind Singh” by Lala Daulat Rai. Original in Urdu – 1901 publication. (Translation by Author)
(2) Ibid (In fact the Preface is worth reading as it traces the history of Buddhism and how in fact the real malaise of Hindus kept on becoming bad to worse.
(3) Ibid (in fact Lal Daulat Rai states that there was no limit to the atrocities committed by these Muslims that to describe all that would need a book of much lager size than this one)
(4) Ibid pages 56-57 of Punjabi Version; Publisher Kendri Singh Sabha Western Hemisphere, South Hall, Greater London (1980)
(5) Bachhittar Natak – DASAM GRANTH
(6) “His personality was so fascinating, so bewitching, so dynamic, so momentous and so unforgettable, that we are seized with wonder at the changes which took place in Punjab within one year and a half of his death. He was the greatest genius of his age. Whenever we touch that short life, as he died at the age of forty two, we are at once brought into contact with a live wire. He was a meteor that consumed itself to light the world. He was luminous like the sun and had conquered death. He possessed a rare combination of so many excellencies, supreme self denial, marvelous intellect, superhuman will-power, great heart and limitless energy.” Hari Ram Gupta, “The Sikh Gurus” p245
(7) I have reverence for Guru Gobind Singh Ji, since my childhood when I developed understanding that he was not just a Religious Prophet, but the greatest of all Statesmen and Politicians of this country; a patriot without any parallel; the greatest of all philosophers; A par excellent Organizer and Manager and on top of that a grand poet. The more I learnt about him, the more was I convinced that he was not just for one religion or one region; he in fact belonged to the entire humanity. He was such a person, who, with their wisdom and grand vision, ushers in a new era. If he was not born in this country and if he had not inaugurated this new era, we must, in all likelihood, would have been still slaves for another thousand years. The greatness of the era ushered in by him is this, that, even though three hundred years have passed, it is not just alive but thriving. It will always be present, so long there is oppression and injustice any where in this world. His thunderous voice will always be there to inspire and guide the humanity to fight for the protection of the oppressed and to overcome injustice.
Translation by author from original in Urdu; Preface of the book, “Hem Kund Ka Musafir” by Ranbir , the renowned journalist of Urdu Daily, “Milap”.
(8) Visakhi of 1699 - An Urdu Pamphlet, Translation by author.
Bhai Vir Singh ji in his book has mentioned one “Abu-ul-Tarafi”, who was a spy of Delhi Durbar of Mughal Empire. He was deputed to spy on Guru Gobind Singh Ji in Anand Pur Sahib. This incident is recorded in his “Spy’s Journal” as under:
“On the day Guru Gobind Singh Ji prepared “AMRIT” in Anandpur, the attendance in the Diwan was about 35 to 40 thousands (some sources say 80 thousand). Mughals had four thrones (Seats of Imperial Power), Delhi, Agra, Lahore and Kalanur, but the grandeur of Guru Ji’s throne was a class by itself. The grandeur of this throne was out of this world.
Guru Ji came to the Diwan and unsheathing his sword, spoke in his thundering voice that he needed a head. No questions or hesitation at all, Bhai Daya Ram came forward to Guru Ji. Guru Ji right in front of all cut off his head from the body in one stroke. Every body present was stunned. Then Guru Ji again thundered and demanded one more head. Right on Guru’s call, Dharam Chand got up, came to Guru Ji, bowed his head and said here is my offering of my head. Guru Ji, again, in one stroke cut off Dharam Chand’s head from his body.
Now there was a big commotion in the Diwan. But Guru Ji in his thundering voice went on demanding heads, one after the other, Himmat Rai, Mohkam Chand and Sahib Ram got up and offered their heads. Guru Ji cut off the heads of these three also.
Many from the congregation, went to Guru Ji’s mother, and narrated the whole happenings in the Diwan to Mata Ji.
Guru Ji cleaned up the blood from the five bodies and heads and even washed the floor. Then the Guru of these infidels stitched one head with other body, one by one. This process took about three hours. Then he covered these dead bodies with white sheets.
The Guru of the infidels then took a cauldron made of stone and put an iron wok without handles on top of it. Poured water into the wok and started preparing the “Aab-e-Hyat” (Amrit) (The Elixir of Life). The infidel Guru kept churning the water with his sword and kept on reciting his “Kalma” (Gurbani). This process went on for one and a half to two hours. During this time, a lady from Guru’s house came and put something in that water. Now the Elixir was ready.
From the corpses, he took the covering sheets off. First he sat on the head side of Daya Ram, and poured the Elixir in his mouth, then poured some on his head and sprinkled some on his body, and then he asked the dead body to say, “Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.” As if on Guru’s command, Daya Ram got up and repeated in his bold voice, “Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.”

It appeared that in the entire congregation every body was so stunned and as if stopped breathing. It was a pin drop silence. All those present were mesmerized with their Guru’s miracle. In the same manner, one after the other, Guru made the other four alive too.
Then, he took all Five of them inside a tent. After a while, Guru Ji along with the five came out. The Five were now wearing new attire (Dress). Those Five risen from the dead were standing in line. Then Guru came in front of them and took the “Bir Asan” (posture of the brave –kneeling on one knee) and asked for the ELIXIR. At this point, these five asked, what are you offering to get this AMRIT (Elixir). Then Guru Said that I would sacrifice my parents and my sons for your sake. Then these five gave ELIXIR to Guru. Name of Guru was also changed to, “GOBIND SINGH”. The word Singh was attached as with the other Five – Daya Singh, Dharam Singh, Himmat Singh, Mohkam Singh and Sahib Singh.
Abu-el-Tarafi writes that I was very remorseful and cried like a baby. After that, thousands took the “AMRIT” (ELIXIR). Even I was attracted by a magnetic force and with utmost regrets fell on Guru’s feet. I requested Guru to give me AMRIT, (Aab-e-Hyat) too. Guru Ji already knew about my role as a spy and a traitor, put His hand on my back, gave me AMRIT and changed my name to Ajmer Singh. Just with His this act, my sins of numerous lives got washed away. I participated in many wars.
On that day, I sent my last report to Emperor Aurangzeb. In this Report I wrote my eyewitness account in details. I also warned Aurangzeb in strongest possible words that don’t you dare to challenge the incarnation of God, and desist from cruel policies and if you did not listen to and act on my advice, then God forbid, you will lose all, your throne and your family.
( Gyani Dalip Singh “Komal” of Dhaunola informed that these documents are lying in the archives of Aligarh University. )
Translation by the author from an Urdu pamphlet, extracted from “History of Ramgarhias” (Manuscript).
A REQUEST BY THE AUTHOR: Here is a great opportunity for a serious scholar to verify its veracity.
(9) The Sikh Review, Kolkatta; April and June 2010 issues, “Swami Vivekanand on Guru Gobind Singh”.
(10) “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” Best Seller by Dr. Stephen Covey. In his book, he details the concept of “Paradigm Shift”, by an experiment that he conducted on his students, in his class. To me it sounds like a scientific proof of Gurbani : “Undhe Bhandae Kuchh Na Samawae, Seedhae AMRIT parae Nihaar.”
(11) The Sikh Review, Kolkatta; February 2010 issue; “The Assertion of Sikh Identity” by Dr. Avtar Singh (A Research Scientist in USA). He has written books, and has been on US TV.
(12) Personal communication with Dr. Avtar Singh.
(13) See Essay Titled, “Dr. Manmohan Singh – A Profile in Courage” - “FALL AND COLORED LEAVES” by Jasbir Singh Sethi.