Former President of the Institute of Sikh Studies (IOSS), Chandigarh- Dr. Kuldip Singh has not been keeping good health for the last several months. A delegation of senior members of the IOSS consisting of S. Pritam Singh, S. Gurdev Singh, Bhai Ashok Singh, Col. Amrik Singh and Bibi Baljit Kaur called on him at his residence on 18/08/2010. Ardas was performed by Bhai Ashok Singh for his speedy recovery. A citation was conferred on him for services rendered to the IOSS as a member, President and Patron.

The citation read as follows:

“Respected Dr. Kuldip Singh ji,

You have had a long and memorable association with the Institute of Sikh Studies of which you remained the President from 1992 to 1998. You have earned lot of fame in the field of medicine because of your qualifications. You are one of the few renowned surgeons for the cure of cancer and you also earned Professorship in this field, which is a rare distinction.

In the field of Sikh Studies you were known for your expertise on Sikh history and steadfastness to the Sikh principles. You used to express your opinions with conviction during the IOSS meetings. You got published and distributed lots of free literature for disseminating the message of Gurmat. You used various charts and photographs to better illustrate the message. You contributed a large portion of your earnings for distributing free Gurmat literature. You have also been very generous towards the IOSS and several other organizations.

You have not been keeping good health for quite some time now and are being cared for devotedly by your spouse Dr. Devinder Kaur ji. We pray to the Almighty for your speedy recovery so that you can carry forward the mission of your life.

All members of the IOSS are pleased to confer this citation on you and pray for your speedy recovery.



[Original text was in Punjabi which has been translated by the undersigned]

Ishwinder Singh
Media Incharge, IOSS