Gurcharan Singh

Guru Granth Sahib is a treasure house of an amazing variety of thoughts each dealing with a specific aspect of interest to mankind. On one side is definition and traits of God, His creation, His limitless powers and range, on the other, qualities of Guru, the spiritual mentor who enables us to understand and experience Him. Side by side of course are guidelines on how to live a complete life full of freedom, without fear and enmity, and capable of enjoying routine natural needs and still be detached from snare of maya and be in tune with the Almighty. Inter alia equality of human beings of all shades, of all ages, without bias of gender; and harmonious style of interaction so as to make heaven on this earth with justice for all. The aims and dreams are endless, to which must be added pursuit of excellence, joy and happiness.

Each aspect has the rules of the game for which discipline and moderation is required. These too have been enshrined in its contents. If one starts searching and delving deep into Gurbani one is simply awestruck!

In the seminar many aspects: theological, sociological, historical, value system etc etc will be discussed by participants, but many may still be left out such as aesthetics, love of nature, and simply wonder at the variety of God’s creation to name a few.

I have chosen a specific area: Description of joy or Anand experienced By Gurus, Bhagats and holy persons.

There is one difficulty which we mortals including intellectuals face with; it is the language to express such thoughts and emotions. The situation is something like tasting a sweetmeat by a dumb person goonge ki mithyayi.

So well stated in Gurbani. Joy is a matter to be experienced and felt; it cannot be expressed adequately. The Gurus have time and again said such persons are rare. We sometimes feel discouraged that we cannot experience the full glory of God. But let us not lose hope. Even when the Ultimate Sun is not seen because of clouds of our own delusions, maya, there are moments when the clouds scatter for a while and we are lucky to have a glimpse of its extreme beauty. In that case let us be content to enjoy that much.

A few shabads of Gurus and Bhagats have been chosen as specimens. Here they are for sheer beauty and joy!

gauVI mhlw 5 ]
pRB imlby kau pRIiq min lwgI ]
pwie lgau moih krau bynqI koaU sMqu imlY bfBwgI ] 1 ] rhwau]
mnu Arpau Dnu rwKau AwgY mn kI miq moih sgl iqAwgI ]
jo pRB kI hir kQw sunwvY Anidnu iPrau iqsu ipCY ivrwgI ] 1 ]
pUrb krm AMkur jb pRgty ByitE purKu risk bYrwgI ]
imitE AMDyru imlq hir nwnk jnm jnm kI soeI jwgI ] 2 ] 2 ] 119 ] (pMnw 204)

gauVI kbIr jI ]
dyie muhwr lgwmu pihrwvau ] sgl q jInu ggn daurwvau ] 1 ]
ApnY bIcwir AsvwrI kIjY ] shj kY pwvVY pgu Dir lIjY ] 1 ] rhwau ]
clu ry bYkuMT quJih ly qwrau ] ihcih q pRym kY cwbuk mwrau ] 2 ]
khq kbIr Bly Asvwrw ] byd kqyb qy rhih inrwrw ] 3 ] 31 ] (pMnw 329)

rwmklI mhlw 3 Anµdu < siqgur pRswid ]
Anµdu BieAw myrI mwey siqgurU mY pwieAw ]
siqguru q pwieAw shj syqI min vjIAw vwDweIAw ]
rwg rqn prvwr prIAw sbd gwvx AweIAw ]
sbdo q gwvhu hrI kyrw min ijnI vswieAw ]
khY nwnku Anµdu hoAw siqgurU mY pwieAw ] 1 ]
ey mn myirAw qU sdw rhu hir nwly ]
hir nwil rhu qU mMn myry dUK siB ivswrxw ]
AMgIkwru Ehu kry qyrw kwrj siB svwrxw ]
sBnw glw smrQu suAwmI so ikau mnhu ivswry ]
khY nwnku mMn myry sdw rhu hir nwly ] 2 ]

rwmklI mhlw 5 CMq < siqgur pRswid ]
swjnVw myrw swjnVw inkit KloieAVw myrw swjnVw ]
jwnIAVw hir jwnIAVw nYx AloieAVw hir jwnIAVw ]
nYx AloieAw Git Git soieAw Aiq AMimRq ipRA gUVw ]
nwil hovMdw lih n skMdw suAwau n jwxY mUVw ]
mwieAw mid mwqw hoCI bwqw imlxu n jweI Brm DVw ]
khu nwnk gur ibnu nwhI sUJY hir swjnu sB kY inkit KVw ] 1 ] (pMnw 924)

sUhI mhlw 5 ]
sUK mhl jw ky aUc duAwry ] qw mih vwsih Bgq ipAwry ] 1 ]
shj kQw pRB kI Aiq mITI ] ivrlY kwhU nyqRhu fITI ] 1 ] rhwau ]
qh gIq nwd AKwry sMgw ] aUhw sMq krih hir rMgw ] 2 ]
qh mrxu n jIvxu sogu n hrKw ] swc nwm kI AMimRq vrKw ] 3 ]
guhj kQw ieh gur qy jwxI ] nwnku bolY hir hir bwxI ] 4 ] 6 ] 12 ] (pMnw 739)

sUhI mhlw 5 ]
bYkuMT ngru jhw sMq vwsw ] pRB crx kml ird mwih invwsw ] 1 ]
suix mn qn quJu suKu idKlwvau ] hir Aink ibMjn quJu Bog BuMcwvau ] 1 ] rhwau ]
AMimRq nwmu BuMcu mn mwhI ] Acrj swd qw ky brny n jwhI ] 2 ]
loBu mUAw iqRsnw buiJ QwkI ] pwrbRhm kI srix jn qwkI ] 3 ]
jnm jnm ky BY moh invwry ] nwnk dws pRB ikrpw Dwry ] 4 ] 21 ] 27 ] (pMnw 742)

rwgu soriT bwxI Bgq BIKn kI
AYsw nwmu rqnu inrmolku puMin pdwrQu pwieAw ]
Aink jqn kir ihrdY rwiKAw rqnu n CpY CpwieAw ] 1 ]
hir gun khqy khnu n jweI ] jYsy gUMgy kI imiTAweI ] 1 ] rhwau ]
rsnw rmq sunq suKu sRvnw icq cyqy suKu hoeI ]
khu BIKn duie nYn sMqoKy jh dyKW qh soeI ] 2 ] 2 ] (pMnw659)

mwrU mhlw 1 dKxI ]
] 7 ] iJliml iJlkY cMdu n qwrw ] sUrj ikrix n ibjuil gYxwrw ]
AkQI kQau ichnu nhI koeI pUir rihAw min Bwiedw ] 8 ]
psrI ikrix joiq auijAwlw ] kir kir dyKY Awip dieAwlw ]
Anhd rux Juxkwru sdw Duin inrBau kY Gir vwiedw ] 9 ] (pMnw 1033)

gauVI rivdws jI
bygm purw shr ko nwau ] dUKu AMdohu nhI iqih Twau ]
nW qsvIs iKrwju n mwlu ] KauPu n Kqw n qrsu jvwlu ] 1 ]
Ab moih KUb vqn gh pweI ] aUhW KYir sdw myry BweI ] 1 ] rhwau ]
kwiemu dwiemu sdw pwiqswhI ] dom n sym eyk so AwhI ]
Awbwdwnu sdw mshUr ] aUhW gnI bsih mwmUr ] 2 ]
iqau iqau sYl krih ijau BwvY ] mhrm mhl n ko AtkwvY ]
kih rivdws Klws cmwrw ] jo hm shrI su mIqu hmwrw ] 3 ] 2 ] (pMnw 345)

suKmnI swihb AstpdI 23, pauVI 1
sMqsMig AMqir pRBu fITw ] nwmu pRBU kw lwgw mITw ] sgl simgRI eyksu Gt mwih ]
Aink rMg nwnw idRstwih ] nau iniD AMimRqu pRB kw nwmu ] dyhI mih ies kw ibsRwmu ]
suMn smwiD Anhq qh nwd ] khnu n jweI Acrj ibsmwd ]
iqin dyiKAw ijsu Awip idKwey ] nwnk iqsu jn soJI pwey ] 1 ]

soriT Gr 3 bwxI Bgq nwmdyv jI dI
AxmiVAw mMdlu bwjY ] ibnu swvx Gnhru gwjY ]
bwdl ibnu brKw hoeI ] jau qqu ibcwrY koeI ] 1 ]
mo kau imilE rwmu snyhI ] ijh imilAY dyh sudyhI ] 1 ] rhwau ]
imil pwrs kMcnu hoieAw ] muK mnsw rqnu proieAw ]
inj Bwau BieAw BRmu Bwgw ] gur pUCy mnu pqIAwgw ] 2 ]
jl BIqir kuMB smwinAw ] sB rwmu eyku kir jwinAw ]
gur cyly hY mnu mwinAw ] jn nwmY qqu pCwinAw ] 3 ] 3 ] (pMnw 657)

jYqsrI mhlw 4 ]
siqguru swjnu purKu vf pwieAw hir rsik rsik Pl lwigbw ]
mwieAw BuieAMg gRisE hY pRwxI gur bcnI ibsu hir kwiFbw ] 1 ]
myrw mnu rwm nwm ris lwigbw ]
hir kIey piqq pivqR imil swD gur hir nwmY hir rsu cwiKbw ] rhwau ]
Dnu Dnu vfBwg imilE guru swDU imil swDU ilv aunmin lwigbw ]
iqRsnw Agin buJI sWiq pweI hir inrml inrml gun gwiebw ] 2 ] (pMnw 697)

jYqsrI mhlw 4 Gru 1 caupdy
< siqgur pRswid ]
myrY hIArY rqnu nwmu hir bisAw guir hwQu DirE myrY mwQw ]
jnm jnm ky iklibK duK auqry guir nwmu dIE irnu lwQw ] 1 ] (pMnw 695)

rwmklI mhlw 5 CMq < siqgur pRswid ]
swjnVw myrw swjnVw inkit KloieAVw myrw swjnVw ]
jwnIAVw hir jwnIAVw nYx AloieAVw hir jwnIAVw ]
nYx AloieAw Git Git soieAw Aiq AMimRq ipRA gUVw ]
nwil hovMdw lih n skMdw suAwau n jwxY mUVw ]
mwieAw mid mwqw hoCI bwqw imlxu n jweI Brm DVw ]
khu nwnk gur ibnu nwhI sUJY hir swjnu sB kY inkit KVw ] 1 ] (pMnw 928)

goNf mhlw 5 ]
Acrj kQw mhw AnUp ] pRwqmw pwrbRhm kw rUpu ] rhwau ]
nw iehu bUFw nw iehu bwlw ] nw iesu dUKu nhI jm jwlw ]
nw iehu ibnsY nw iehu jwie ] Awid jugwdI rihAw smwie ] 1 ]
nw iesu ausnu nhI iesu sIqu ] nw iesu dusmnu nw iesu mIqu ]
nw iesu hrKu nhI iesu sogu ] sBu ikCu ies kw iehu krnY jogu ] 2 ]
nw iesu bwpu nhI iesu mwieAw ] iehu AprMpru hoqw AwieAw ]
pwp puMn kw iesu lypu n lwgY ] Gt Gt AMqir sd hI jwgY ] 3 ]
qIin guxw iek skiq aupwieAw ] mhw mwieAw qw kI hY CwieAw ]
ACl ACyd AByd dieAwl ] dIn dieAwl sdw ikrpwl ]
qw kI giq imiq kCU n pwie ] nwnk qw kY bil bil jwie ] 4 ] 19 ] 21 ] (pMnw 868)