The Institute of Sikh Studies, Chandigarh will be holding an annual seminar for two days on November 27th and 28th 2010. The theme will be “Perspectives on Guru Gobind Singh ji

The personality of the Tenth Master is so unique, that in spite of knowing so much about him, a lot more always remains to be said about him. There are many aspects which need to be explored:-

  • His divine presence, how he won hearts of devotees, and how his mere sight and touch brought ecstasy.
  • His Vision of a world devoted to God and goodness, free from garbs, superstitions and rituals.
  • His choice of loved ones who literally responded to call jau tau prem khelan ka chau. Their unique identity in appearance and attitude to ensure equality, dignity and rights of the common man.
  • Relentless effort to achieve this, even at the cost of sacrificing his near and dear ones, and ultimately himself; not giving up even in extreme adversity.
  • Recognizing worth of his followers by calling a Rangreta, Guru ka Beta and his fighters judh jite inhi ke parsad
  • Patronizing poets and writers, himself being a poet par excellence.
  • Bringing up to the emperor his failure in moral values.
  • Enunciating principles of rehat maryada, potential foundation of Sikh Law.
  • When negotiations failed, choosing a fire brand commander, Banda to root out tyrants.

In other words that would mean-

  • touching on theological aspects of his life,
  • vision of a new world;
  • active heroic life full of sacrifice
  • distinctive features and attitude of Khalsa and its socio-political impact
  • In short - Fulfillment of Guru Nanak’s dream

We invite you to join us, read papers, on themes of your choice and share your views and views of contemporary and later thinkers, in understanding the Great Guru.

Papers should quote Gurbani verses and references to historical facts wherever required. An abstract of approximately one page may please be sent about one month in advance (by mid Oct 2010).The main paper about six pages in length should reach by the end of Oct 2010.

First of all we shall request confirmation of your participation so that we may finalize details.

Gurcharan Singh
Convenor, Seminar
Mobile: 9417492026